What is a Fissure?
An intense or prolonged opening or cuts in the anal region presents anal fissures. Those cracks give intense pain and force during stool discharge. It is common for both men and women .The site of development of an anal fissure is the midline behind the anal canal. During Infancy, an anal fissure is the main reason for the rectal bleeding.
Causes of Fissure
Damage to the anus due to surgical instruments
Widening and splitting of the anal ring due to hard stool removal
Reduced blood supply slows down the skin healing process and produces an anal fissure
The person having diarrhea is having more chances to develop anal fissures
Pregnancy and childbirth induce anal fissures
A crack occurs as part of another disease such as a Crohn’s syndrome, ulcerative colitis or anal infections

Types of Fissure
Anal fissures develop at the front or on the back side. They are two types as follows :
Acute fissure: Acute crack occurs abruptly.
Chronic fissure: Slow growing Fissure.
Symptoms of fissure:
Patients with an anal fissure may develop following symptoms:
The first sign is bleeding
A sensation of cutting, tearing or burning after a bowel action
Severe rectal pain is lasting for hours
The bleeding may cause discoloration of the bowl
Hole or crack near the anus
Develops patches or lumps near the fissure

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Fissure Treatments
It is a part of practology department. Some patients suffering from anal fissures do not require any specific treatment.
Home remedies
Stool softening agents or stool thinners
Adequate amount of watery liquids and proper diet with fiber
Sitting in warm water to lower the sensitivity and to improve blood flow
Apply creams or pain relievers to the anus to enhance blood flow
Some injectable agents inhibit cracks formed in the anus
Operational Treatments
Some anal fissures require surgical or operative procedures
Laser treatment – Laser Sphincterotomy for Fissure.
Procedure is almost blood less , Pain less and recovery is very fast.
Under LA/GA ,laser Energy is delivered, via radial fiber, into the sphincter muscle and that lead to dilatation of muscle , reduce spasm . Patient is recovered very soon after laser surgery .
Why Laser Sphincterotomy Best Option for fissure
High success rate
Low recurrence rate – recurrence rate is much lower than the traditional methods.
Quick treatment – Take less than an hour. Saves tremendous time for you and your patient.
Minimal invasive – just a nick in the skin, so no scar, and no stitches.
Minimal blood loss. Minimal pain. Less traumatic.
Instant Relief from accompanying symptoms – Since no surgery and extremely less harm to neighbouring tissues, so recovery is fast. Even less pain, bruising and numbness.
OPD procedure performed with Local anaesthesia – It’s safer than General anaesthesia. There’s no hospitalization, ambulatory
Quick Recovery – No downtime. Minimal post-operative pain. Your patient can walk away post operation and can quickly regain his normal activity
Greater Surgical Precision.

Pre-Surgery Instruction
Post-Surgery Instructions
Begin homely bodily movements like walking
Sit in the plain warm water for few times in a day
Do not add cleansers or detergents to the water
Try to receive some regular bowel practices
Use smooth tissues after a bowel movement
Take directed medications
Acquire regular bowel practice
Do not consume heavy meal after the night, but you can drink water before 4 hours of treatment
Why Eravio Clinic
Advance Diagnostic Tool
Most Advance Laser Therapy
Day Care Procedure
Expert Proctologist
Insurance Covered
EMI on treatment
Recovery in 1-3 Days.