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Most young doctor in the surgery and allied category
Dr. Niraj Gechoode nominated as the youngest doctor in the surgery and allied category for the Lokmat Times Excellence Healthcare Awards.
Excellence In Healthcare Award
Nominated as the youngest doctor in the surgery and allied category for the Lokmat Times Excellence Healthcare Awards 2022.

Best Cosmetic Gynecologist in Central India
Appreciation from the Honourable Governor of Maharashtra State, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari Ji & Navbharat Group at Mumbai Rajbhavan to Dr. Niraj Gechode, Director of Eravio Clinics.
Best Cosmetic Gynecologist
Appreciation from the Honourable Shri Nitin Gadkari Ji & Times Of India to Dr. Niraj Gechode, Director of Eravio Clinics.

Best Cosmetic Gynecologist Leadership Award 2021
Dr. Niraj Gechoode has won the best cosmetic gynecologist leadership award for 2021
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