Piles /Hemorrhoids
Eravio Clinic provides quick, non-invasive, and pain-free piles treatment and has extensive experience in the surgical treatment of piles.
We always offer best diagnostic facilities and prompt care to the patients suffering from piles. We have state-of-art operation theaters and other services to attain the ever-increasing demands. Our clinic has the Most modern Proctoscope to understand the stage of diseases, Also offer most modern laser surgery by Lasotronix Worlds Best Laser offers for treatment of piles, fissures, and fistula
Along with this, we do perform major, advanced laparoscopic surgeries, bariatric surgeries. We are offering high standard, superior quality .The hospital has backed up with an outstanding reputation for patient care and try to maintain good doctor-patient relationship.
What is Piles or Hemorrhoids?
Piles or Hemorrhoids is a common disorder affecting men or women of any age group. The constant pressure on blood vessels that are present in the anal area develops hemorrhoids. It produces swelling or inflammation of the veins in anus or rectum, capillaries become weak and gives irritable feeling while passing the bowel. Piles or hemorrhoids are known by different names as “Bavasir” in Hindi and “Mulvyadh” in Marathi.

Type of Hemorrhoids/Piles
Piles are of two types as internal or external.
Internal Hemorrhoids – Develop near the anal area and are identified by bleeding. They are painless, and one cannot feel its presence as they are present inside the anus.
The classification of internal hemorrhoids covers four classes as follows:
• Grade I – It does not cause protrusion from the anus
• Grade II – Bulging occurs via anus during straining and bowel movement, but spontaneously acquire original position
• Grade III – Come out of the anus with bowel, but inserted back by using finger
• Grade IV – Project from the anus and cannot move back to its original place

Piles Symptoms
The symptoms usually depend upon the location of hemorrhoids. Following are the symptoms enlisted for the hemorrhoids.
Difficulty to pass the bowel or stool
Bleeding at the time of bowel movement
Bleeding with out any pain
Itchy or irritable feeling near anus
Inflammation or swelling near anus with discomfort or pain
Presence of tissue mass or lump in anorectal area
Tissue with Pierce pain
Leakage of feces or slime from anorectal area
Incomplete bowel discharge even after having bowel movement

Piles Causes
Following are the possible reasons for the development of hemorrhoids.
Extreme strain during bowel discharge
Prolonged diarrhea
Genetics or hereditary factor
Pregnancy is the primary reason for the emergence of piles in women as the developing baby exerts pressure and blocks the blood circulation
Massive-weight lifting
Cold and cough also build some force in anal part
Eating the diet that lacks fibrous material
Not only physical factors induce piles but also some psychological or mental stress also influences hemorrhoids
Errors developed in the past rectal operations and damaged spinal cord
Prolonged sitting at a single place

Myths about Piles
Only sick people develop hemorrhoids
It develops into old adults
No treatment is sufficient to cure and heal hemorrhoids completely
Hot, exotic foods can cause piles
Hemorrhoids can create carcinoma
Do not perform exercise if you are suffering from hemorrhoids
Get in touch with the Eravio Clinic & have a healthier and better relief from piles.
Piles Treatments
A – Non-Operative treatment :
Slow increase in amount of fiber in diet
Intake of enough water or other water-based liquid
Do not delay to empty your bowel as it makes the stool hard and dry
Maintain body weight
Regular exercise to regulate the circulation
B – Operative treatment :
There are some surgical options may bring some relief to the patients having severe piles. Among them, the advanced laser treatment and for most advance diseases we offer minimally invasive treatments by stapler show more effective results. Both procedures are simple, do not need the cuts or prolonged hospitalization. These are the outpatient procedure takes few minutes to complete.

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Telephone Assessment
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+91 7507200800
Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty Minimally invasive Stapler Surgery
How Laser Work :
Under LA/GA, laser energy is delivered by radial fibre directly to hemorrhoidal nodes and they will obliterate from inside and this will help to preserve mucosa and sphincter structure to an extremely high precision. Laser energy is used to close off the blood supply nourishing the abnormal growth. The laser energy induces destruction of the venous epithelium and simultaneous obliteration of the hemorrhoidal pile by a shrinkage effect.
Advantage if using laser compare to conventional surgery, fibrotic reconstruction generates new connective tissue, which ensures that the mucosa adheres to the underlying tissue. This also prevents the occurrence or recurrence of a prolapsed. Surgical procedure can be executed in only a few minutes

Why Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty Best Option for Piles
High success rate
Low recurrence rate – recurrence rate is much lower than the traditional methods.
Quick treatment – Take less than an hour. Saves tremendous time for you and your patient.
Minimal invasive – just a nick in the skin, so no scar, and no stitches.
Minimal blood loss. Minimal pain. Less traumatic.
Instant Relief from accompanying symptoms – Since no surgery and extremely less harm to neighboring tissues, so recovery is fast. Even less pain, bruising and numbness.
OPD procedure performed with Local anesthesia – It’s safer than General anesthesia. There’s no hospitalization, ambulatory.
Quick Recovery – No downtime. Minimal post operative pain. Your patient can walk away post operation and can quickly regain his normal activity
Greater Surgical Precision.
Reduced Risk of infection.

Post-Surgery Instructions
Take help from caregiver
Do not separate out the dressings from the scar
Take a shower to maintain purity
Take prescribed medications as per directed
Do not take any drinks like tea, coffee
Drink an inadequate amount of liquids
Pre-Surgery Instruction
Acquire regular bowel practice
Do not consume heavy meal after the night, but you can drink water before 4 hours of treatment
How to Prevent Piles
Add high fibers to your diet
Drink adequate water and other liquids
Use medications to control diarrhea
Do easy exercises to prevent the strain while bowel release
Receive regular bowel habits
Why Eravio Clinic
Advance Diagnostic Tool
Most Advance Laser Therapy
Day Care Procedure
Expert Proctologist
Insurance Covered
EMI on treatment
Recovery in 1-3 Days.

Advantages of Laser Treatment for Piles over Conventional Surgical Methods